Light controlled drugs to modulate neuronal activity locally and on-demand without systemic adverse effects.


We combine locally light-emitting implants and light-controlled drugs to get precise anti-inflammatory treatments by photobiomodulation and neuroinhibitory treatments by photopharmacology.

We’re at the forefront of medical innovation, exploring new frontiers in the treatment of neurological and inflammatory conditions. Our project combines cutting-edge technologies to offer precise and personalized therapeutic solutions that could change the way we approach health challenges.

PhotoTheraPorts IMPLANTS

Our flagship technology is the light-emitting implants, known as PhotoTheraPorts. These miniature light ports, guided by nanocrystals, act as light sources within our bodies. When exposed to invisible and non-invasive infrared light, they emit light in the visible spectrum.


photoswitchable drugs

We're also developing photoswitchable drugs with anti-inflammatory and neuroinhibitory activity. These drugs will activate only when exposed to a specific color of light, acting as personalized light switches for the nervous system.



Together, these advancements form the foundation of the PHOTOTHERAPORT Project and open up new possibilities for reducing pain and epileptic seizures in localized regions of the nervous system. During the project, we will conduct preclinical tests of the efficacy and safety of both devices and drugs.


Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)

Principal investigator: Pau Gorostiza

Photoswitchable drugs for multiple targets, activated by ultraviolet, red and infrared light

Tampereen Korkeakoulusaatio SR (TAU)

Principal investigator: Laeticia Petit

Biocompatible glass-based materials, upconverting nanoparticles, and luminescent crystals to build PhotoTheraPort implants

Riga Stradins University (RSU)

Principal investigator: Valērija Groma

Histology and photopharmacology of brain slices


Principal investigator: Gianmarco Di Mauro

Innovation, dissemination, and regulatory evaluation

Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS)

Principal investigator: Rossella Castagna

Polymeric matrices with tailor-made geometries, optical, and biocompatible properties to build PhotoTheraPort implants

University of Cádiz (UCA)

Principal investigator: Esther Berrocoso

Rodent models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain


Principal investigator:Jackie Schiller

Electrophysiology and photopharmacology of brain slices

Institute of Biomedical Research Barcelona (IIBB-CSIC)

Principal investigator: Victoria Puig

Electrophysiology and photopharmacology in mouse models of neurological diseases


PHOTOTHERAPORT researchers showcase the project at the European Researchers’ Night

On 27 September 2024, researchers from all over Europe took part in the European Researchers’ Night. Among them, Rossella Castagna, Esther Berrocoso and Núria Camarero presented PHOTOTHERAPORT and discussed the science behind the project. Additionally, PHOTOTHERAPORT was also highlighted on the event’s Catalan website. European Researchers’ Night is a major public event that takes place simultaneously in different cities across Europe. During the event, researchers present different scientific fields and their impact on everyday life through engaging and interactive activities.

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Light-activated Carbamazepine Analogs against neuropathic pain

Researchers from PHOTOTHERAPORT Project have developed light-activated derivatives of the anti-epileptic drug carbamazepine to treat neuropathic pain. These compounds, which show analgesic effects when activated by light, can inhibit nerve signals locally and on demand. A team of PHOTOTHERAPORT researchers at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the University of Cádiz have developed photoswitchable derivatives of carbamazepine, a widely used anti-epileptic drug in medicine for treating certain types of neuropathic pain, such as trigeminal neuralgia. The study was

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Nayeli Pérez participates in the Youth and Science program and hosts a high school student for two weeks in the laboratory

The Youth and Science program from Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation in Barcelona puts together 15–16-year-old students with scientists from different fields and allow them to perform a small research project. Nayeli Pérez took part in this activity and hosted Iva Comar for 2 weeks at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC). Nayeli Pérez, researcher at the Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group from IBEC, led by Pau Gorostiza, coordinator of a PHOTOTHERAPORT, hosted Iva Comar, a 15 year-old student who spent two

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PHOTOTHERAPORT was present at the 17th Science Party

The 17th Science Party (“Festa de la Ciència” in Catalan) took place last 7th – 9th of June in Barcelona, and researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the Institute of Biomedical research from Barcelona (IIBB-CSIC) proposed a series of hands-on activities to explain PHOTOTHERAPORT project to a non-specialized public and to bring photopharmacology closer to the society.

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