PHOTOTHERAPORT researchers showcase the project at the European Researchers’ Night

On 27 September 2024, researchers from all over Europe took part in the European Researchers’ Night. Among them, Rossella Castagna, Esther Berrocoso and Núria Camarero presented PHOTOTHERAPORT and discussed the science behind the project. Additionally, PHOTOTHERAPORT was also highlighted on the event’s Catalan website.

European Researchers’ Night is a major public event that takes place simultaneously in different cities across Europe. During the event, researchers present different scientific fields and their impact on everyday life through engaging and interactive activities. The main objective is to foster a stronger connection between the public and the research community, to stimulate interest in scientific careers and to celebrate research achievements. The event also highlights outstanding research initiatives from Europe and beyond. Every year, around 1.5 million people take part, enjoying and connecting with the world of science and research.

As it could not but be, PHOTOTHERAPORT was present with several activities carried out by different project partners.

At the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) in Riga, more than 800 attendees were welcomed inside the LIOS facilities to enjoy cutting edge science through seminars, hands on experiences and chatting with the researchers. In this context, Rossella Castagna, principal PHOTOTHERAPORT investigator at LIOS, organized a stand to present the activities related to the project, counting with the participation of four research assistants from her group. They discussed the project ideas with the audience and in particular the concept of luminescence and luminescent implants. The public had access to some dissemination material such as a poster, roll-up and flyers about the project and some comics explaining the principle of photopharmacology. Researchers also prepared UV luminescent objects that glow under the blue light in different colors, and kids had a special desk with UV-tattoos. Moreover, they set up a microscope to show different sample morphologies, from film to fibers.

On the other hand, Esther Berrocoso from the University of Cádiz (UCA) participated with a workshop called “The Magic of the Brain”, in which different informative actions adapted to all audiences are carried out to address PHOTOTHERAPORT. Though an informative poster, Esther and her team explained that the objective of the project is to develop luminescent implants and light-activated drugs for innovative neuromodulation therapies in the field of chronic pain. By using photopharmacology, researchers aim to inhibit the pain signal locally and on patient demand, obtaining a precise action of the drug and reducing its possible adverse effects. About 6000 assistants took part in the activity organized by UCA.

Finally, the Institute of Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) participated the 25 September with an activity about the use of animals for research oriented to the adult public. The roundtable “Animal welfare VS human welfare: To what extent do we want to protect them?” took place in the awarded library Gabriel García Márquez in Barcelona and counted with the participation of five IBEC researchers from different fields. Among them, Núria Camarero from PHOTOTHERAPORT project explained her point of view while moderating the debate. It was a very interesting debate where the public raised questions with some ethical concerns related to the real need of animal use in experimentation and the laws that regulate it. The conversation ended with speakers talking about the alternatives that are being developed nowadays in the laboratories, such as organs-on-chips and 3D bioprinted tissues.

PHOTOTHERAPORT project was also showcased on the Catalan website of the European Researchers’ Night, which offers information about several European projects being carried out in the region. To access this website (in English) click here.

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PHOTOTHERAPORT was present at the 17th Science Party

The 17th Science Party (“Festa de la Ciència” in Catalan) took place last 7th – 9th of June in Barcelona, and researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the Institute of Biomedical research from Barcelona (IIBB-CSIC) proposed a series of hands-on activities to explain PHOTOTHERAPORT project to a non-specialized public and to bring photopharmacology closer to the society.

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